our classes @ THDC

FAQ : What is ‘’Little Groovers and what does Dilemma crew mean’’?

Mini Groovers

( Age 2-Reception )

Have you got a toddler or reception who just loves to groove and dance? If you do, then this is the class for you and your family. Everyone can be involved. Spending quality time with our kids is what life is about and you can now do that in Mini Groover’s. Mums, Dads, Carers, Guardians and friends can also partake with their loved ones in this class. Sounds fun and memorable if you ask me. They can dance their little feet and heart out, prepare for a performance on stage and community performances. It is a great way to start their dancing journey and keeping them fit and stimulated. As well as those benefits, I just mentioned dancing keeps them occupied and focused and interacting with children their age. Choose dance as an after-school activity. Meet new mums and dads and be social while your child is an exciting time in dance class. No experience necessary.

Little Groover’s & Primary Groover’s

( Reception to Yr 3 )

This class is a great place to start dancing, even if you have not danced before in any style. Learning the basic of Hip-Hop, grooving along to the latest tunes and with great friends is a great way to start your dance journey. Giving it a go is all we ask, No experience necessary. Kids are curious to learn. Little Groover’s sets up a what’s to come in terms of a good learning environment, it can be the most enjoyable time of the week for a child that takes to the challenge of dancing! Kids learn a routine which is a mixture between simple and moderate Hip-Hop Dance moves each session. Coaches also include educational games and dance related activities using the body and mind. Primary Groover’s is a step up from Little Groover’s, students who are not quite old enough to head into MG or JG Primary Groover’s is the class for them. A class which is more challenging and engaging into dynamics of the dance moves and implementing perfection to each move in the routine.

Middle Groover’s & Junior Groover’s

(Year 4 to Year 7)

This class is a great step up from Little Groover’s – or dancers with experience, however experience is not essential. The choreography is harder and faster than Little Groover’s. Our choreographers get to know all our students and their abilities and build choreography around that to suit all dancers. Different styles of Hip-Hop are introduced into this dance level so dancers continue to learn different dance techniques and styles. Middle Groover’s prepares you for Senior Crew and beyond. Students learn more complex routines in Middle Groover’s. Middle Groover’s is a steppingstone to an advanced team if students want to go down that avenue?

Senior Crew

(High School & Pre-Teen)

This class is great for beginners to dance in a high school level or over. However, this class takes choreography to the next level and it highlights confidence, techniques and fitness techniques and expresses what it takes to be a dancer. It’s a step up from Middle Groover’s. It will take in the direction to one day becoming a performance team. This class will teach you what you need to know about choreography structure, muscle memory and much more! This class is also a fun class with no extra commitment if you don’t want it. Come and hang with friends you go to school with, play netball with and or, simply just know.

Advance Crews

(Dilemma, Division, Delusion, Distinct, Diversity, Dynamics, Devious)

All advanced crews are invite only. We select our teams by determining many factors in a dancer. Commitment, Ability, Performance review, Determination levels, Extra commitment. All these factors play a part in our decisions on new dancers to enter the above teams. These teams are required to perform at community events, purchase high costing costumes, training wear and perform at a higher level with every event with THDC. We have an advanced class at each venue.

B-boy’s (Boy’s only)

(Age 4-9)

B-boy’s is a boy’s only class open to beginners and experienced dancers. Routines are built and planned around what the boys want. The latest songs the latest craze and what boys like to do. It is street Hip-Hop, filled with intense, fun and energetic routines. Mat work and muscle work warmups and warm downs also included.

Mini Groovers Ballet

(Ages 4-8 Years)

This class creates a magical introduction to ballet dance for girls and boys. Ballet for this age group is fun and loosely and less structured. With students learning fundamentals of dance technique while having fun, building confidence, rapport with their coach, and teamwork skills. Dress code: Our little Ballet dancers are required to wear a leotard and ballet shoes. Hair up and out of your face.

Middle Groovers Jazz / Advanced Jazz
(Ages 8-12 Years)
Our MG Jazz is energetic, fun, and has a strong focus on building jazz dance technique whilst ensuring every individual dancer is understanding the technique and unique style that jazz is. Classes will consist of a warm-up and stretch to increase strength and flexibility as well as a wide range of combinations of movement and floor work. Routines will also include fancy footwork, leaps, and quick turns. Advanced Jazz, is very similar however it is stepped up a notch and is more based on skill level and challenging dance routine combinations and warm-ups. With hire expectations due to competition involvement. Dress code: Jazz shoes are required. No sneakers. Tights and flowy upper wear. Hair up and out of your face.
Senior Contemporary
(Ages 13+ Years)
Contemporary Dance is best described as a mixture and infusion of modern jazz and classical ballet. It explores the natural energy and emotions of the body through dance. Combined in a contemporary routine are face changes in rhythm, speed, direction, and the dance projection is often based on a story and or is personal. Movement can be both gripping and delicate. Dress code: Leggings, shorts, or tighter (If you feel comfortable) activewear are to be worn to each session. No hoodies, denim, track pants, or jeans are to be worn. Barefoot, No sneakers. Hair up and out of your face.
Adults Fitness Class (Hip-Hop Funk)
Adult Fitness is your chance to get back into the dancing space and let go. We will still include the basic foundations of Hip-Hop for beginners whilst including advanced and more challenging moves to accommodate all. Concerts are optional but preferred because adults just like kids need to feel their confidence boost when they get up on that stage.

Private Classes

(Available to all students in LG and above)

Because the focus is solely on you and your needs are met and goals succeeded on a one to one basis and sooner. Execution on solo choreography and proper Hip-Hop Technique will be taught in a one on one environment. Your body type and learning style is accessed and worked on one on one. Dynamics can be assessed much greater than being a part of a group. Your lesson is customized for you, and you only. (BOOKINGS REQUIRED)

Benefits of dance for children

Sometimes children have no idea what to expect from dance classes/ We believe pre explaining to them what is involved and what they will get out of might make it easier to entice them with some useful facts and details about how fun dance lessons can be. To help get your child interested, here are some pointers. Your children will actively gain and continue to grow.

Dance helps Gain Self-Confidence

Confidence isn’t easily understood when you are a child. Some children however are more confident than others and we all can be shot down and lose self-confidence, a fact of life. Dancing is a common part of any kind of social, afterschool activity now. Dance will improve their self-belief and confidence and will continue to do so over time when they are invested and involved in a dance class. True Heights Dance build a community spirit where we all help one another gain self-confidence as a united team and a family.

Building Social development skills and independent Strength

As we know dance has many significant benefits, it allows your child to become more comfortable socially. It can be tough and daunting at first for any child, Pre-Teen, Teen and even Adult dancers. Therefore, positive encouragement is so important, and our team prides ourselves on encouragement and positive, redirection reinforcement. You will begin to see confidence flow through their veins class after class. Children build social development skills bit by bit class by class.

Increase Fitness & Activity

Dance is a great way to get your child fit and keep fit and healthy without them even knowing it because coaches at THDC make it too much fun they don’t even notice. Dance keeps children engaged and active. It keeps the mind and body happy. Dance is a role model and sets the importance of fitness daily.

Build Stronger Teamwork and Group Skills

Dance routines are structured with a mixture of, partner movements, group work and solo sections. With these aspects of a routine this helps teamwork and your child will gain more understanding on the importance of working with others and their peers. Teamwork is all around us in all walks of life and especially as we grow. Again, without them knowing it they are learning a huge beneficial long-term skill they can use later in life and as they grow and explore the world.

Improve Listening & Discipline & Growth

Children will learn how to take on instructions from their coaches and teacher assistances involved in the class. This is also involving a form of discipline without them noticing. They will soon expect not to expect their own way and learn how to follow simple and or complex instructions. Listen to others i.e. teammates and to be courteous of their peers around them in class. Instructions are very important to take on board specially at concert with THDC. Students will learn how to listen to what is important.
Regular exercise and movement also promote a positive level of growth. Children are constantly developing, and dancing promotes positive, natural and healthy mind and body growth.

Perseverance & Improved Learning Skill

Any level of dance takes a lot of work and learning how to dance takes perseverance and determination. You are learning a new skill, and this takes times to master and excel in, which we believe everyone can do. From learning how to body pop in a hip-hop routine to mastering a turn in Jazz it takes time, patience and repetition. By undergoing lessons week after week your child learns the vital dynamic of persevering until they succeed their own expectations. Finding form early is important if your child is serious about dance for a career or long-term activity. The early years of dance lessons can instill a sense or self-love, performance and desire. Your child will become familiar with repetition and increase their awareness of his or her body movements and what they are capable of.

Dance embodies one of our most primal relationships to the universe. Children move naturally. They move to achieve mobility, to express a thought or feeling, and because it is joyful and feels wonderful. When their movement becomes consciously structured and is
performed with awareness for its own sake, it becomes dance.

At True Heights Dance Company (THDC) we strongly believe that it is essential that education provide our children with the developmental benefits and unique learning opportunities that come from organizing movement into the aesthetics experience of dance. It is known that dance has many physical benefits for children, however the emotional, social and cognitive attributes have only recently begun to be appreciated.

Physical Development: Dance involves a greater range of motion, coordination, strength and endurance than most other physical activities. This is accomplished through movement patterns that teach coordination and kinesthetic memory.

Emotional Maturity: Dance promotes psychological health and maturity. Children enjoy the opportunity to express their emotions and become aware of themselves and other through creative movement. Movement within a class offers a structured outlet for physical release while gaining awareness and appreciation of one’s self and others.

Social Awareness: Dance fosters social encounter, interaction, and cooperation. Children learn to communicate ideas to others through the real and immediate mode of body movement. Children quickly learn to work within a group dynamic. As the ongoing and
sometimes challenging process of cooperation evolves, children learn to understand themselves in relation to others.

Cognitive Development: Children will create movement spontaneously when presented with movement ideas or movement problems. Movement provides the cognitive loop between the idea, problem or intent and the outcome or solution. The relationship of movement to intellectual development and education is an embryonic field of study that has only recently begun to be explored.

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